Saturday, December 4, 2010

Specialty Coctails: Part 1

Welcome friends to the first Banter discussion! Im excited! 
I would like to know how you decide on ordering a specialty cocktail. When you open a menu at a bar/lounge/restaurant bar, do you order the first drink on the list? Do you go by name? Do you go by what spirits are incorporated? Do you try things you never thought you would enjoy? 
Im the type that orders what he normally likes, but sometimes ill try something new. I like to see what Mixologists are coming up with these days (Mixology: the art or skill of preparing mixed drinks). Most of the time im pleased. I havent had anything recently that stands out, but in general its good stuff.
I needed to add/change a few cocktails on our list at work ( One if by Land, Two if by Sea) and the suggestion of bacon infused bourbon was made by the mixologists i work with. I tried it and it just didnt work for me. It maybe needed another attempt, but I had a ( what i think) great idea! I thought of making something called "BACON & EGGS"! I pondered for a minute or two and "BLAM!", it hit me...EGGNOG!! So I infused Vanilla bean into the JIm Beam Rye Whiskey, added a bit of Chocvino ( dutch chocolate and redwine), filled with eggnog and garnished with fresh, crunchy, smokey cooked BACON! I LOVE IT!! 
Its the kind of drink you hesitate about , but then when you have it, you suck it down and beg for another!
Maybe theres better holiday cocktails out there, and im sure they are much simpler and delicious, but i had to try this one out, it makes too much sense to me.